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(4) Pratiwi Sakti (

Born in Makassar, raised in Ujung Pandang (if you like to know the origin of this name was. it was given by WR Supratman, He found abundant of Pandan tree in Makassar, every corner of his sight he found it enormously then he named it Ujung Pandan because Makassarese and Buginese like to add ng at the last phoneme so they called it Pandang, if you like to believe this story from my friend its oke, but if you don’t like its oke too 🙂 xixi)

then my family moved to one place to the next place Toraja, in the city of Makale, the next place Palopo, then Bima, our hometown and the origin of us, and Mataram for several years then Bima our hometown.

I like reading novel once when I have a lot of time, now time like a gold. I fell need more time, 27 hours a day for example. xixi.

I studied English literature because my hobby was reading novel. yet, I was wrong. Literature is about how to be a critical thinker, you critics a novel or poem not merely enjoy it. Think about the intrinsic and extrinsic entities of the prose, what is the text, context, co-text of the literary works are created, when, where, and try to know why the poet or author create it. Often, you need to visit the place of the author created the literary works, such as cafe, house, or library. To ensure, you are in the right context.

I was hungry of science when I decided to move to linguistics, not continue to literature. My innocent thought at that time was, before I deep dive to other’s literary work. I need to know my own language, I chose linguistics. I hope someday I will back to literature. English literature, how are you there?

My dream come true was when UTS created UTS-GAS. Its international student came, and I had chance to teach Bahasa. Now, Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Inggris is underconstruction, let’s see the world.

Working in department of psychology with amazing fellas make me understand how useful English language is. I mean in term of critical thinking, English and literature had sharpened my knowledge and skill. Psychology just makes it perfect. I consider language as the mother of science, psychology help me understand how language works in mind, change behavior like theory Sapir-Wholf, action or language, language or action? I have studied psycholinguistics as a S1 student and S2 students, and I am in it. it just amazing. It’s just wider my horizon. every single aspect of of our life involved psychology and how we communicate. Language of course the point, in communication how we communicate and what massage is the center. Working with my great fellas in psychology re-focusing my skill.

As an auditory person I identify my-self prefer to be interpreter rather than as translator. The skill I embraced through the process of elimination. If you like to see my service:

A hard nut to crack – Epsilon Archive for Student Projects (

(458) Pratiwi Sakti Tamrin – YouTube

see you when I see you

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