Teaching English to EFL Students in A Culturally – Specific Context: A Comparative Case Study
Samsudin, La Ode Rasmin, and Sukarismanti.
Teaching English in a specific cultural context differs from teaching English in general, especially for English teachers from different regions with students. In addition, to mastering various materials and having a variety of strategies, they must also understand and get to know the students’ character, the mother tongue they use, and background knowledge of their culture. This will help teachers to build learning motivation and build rapport with them. However, understanding student culture is difficult for teachers because they are never equipped with intercultural competence. Therefore, multicultural education is one solution to assist teachers in teaching in certain areas. This research revealed the result findings about teaching English to EFL English in A Culturally-Specific Context. For detail information, you can go to this website https://jurnal.unimus.ac.id/index.php/ELLIC/article/view/12555