• PEMBUATAN MULTIMEDIA PEMBELAJARAN RESTORAN DAN BARISTA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR DAN KEAKTIFAN MAHASISWA PENDIDIKAN TATA BOGA MENGGUNAKAN ADOBE FLASH. This study objective to:(1) produce Adobe Flash-based learning multimedia for Culinary Education Students in restaurant and barista courses,(2) find out to what extent learning multimedia improves student learning outcomes,(3) find out to what extent learning multimedia improves student activity. The method used is Research and Development (R&D) with reference to the development steps of Alessi & Trollip. The test subjects of this study consisted of an alpha test and a beta test. Data collection on learning outcomes was carried out by giving a pre-test and post-test, while active data collection was carried out by assessing student activity when using multimedia. The results of the study show that:(1) multimedia products in the criteria are very feasible to use both in terms of aspects of material assessment and aspects of media assessment,(2) learning multimedia improves student learning outcomes with an achievement percentage of 5%(pre-test) to 91. 5%(post-test),(3) multimedia learning increases student activity by 66.90% with high criteria.
    • Sistem Informasi Pembayaran Sumbangan Pembinaan Pendidikan (Spp) Berbasis Web Pada Markaz Quran Utrujah.
    • Sumbangan Pembinaan Pendidikan (SPP) merupakan komponen keuangan sekolah yang menangani tugas administrasi untuk mengatur arus kas masuk dan keluar dalam suatu lembaga pendidikan. Utrujah International Islamic College memiliki proses pembayaran Sumbangan Biaya Pendidikan (SPP) yang masih mengalami kendala dikarenakan masih mengolah data keuangan secara manual yaitu dengan mencatat transaksi di buku dan menggunakan Microsoft Excel untuk pelaporan, maka proses pembayaran SPP di sana masih bermasalah. Oleh karena itu rentan terjadi kesalahan dalam prosedur pencatatan transaksi. Perancangan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan pembayaran administrasi sekolah, mempercepat pengelolaan data dan mencegah kesalahan input data. Pembuatan sistem berbasis web akan dibuat dengan menggunakan metode waterfall dan UML yang akan dibahas dalam penelitian ini. Sistem pembayaran SPP ini berhasil dibangun dengan metode waterfall dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP. Pengujian sistem berhasil dilakukan dengan menggunakan pengujian blackbox testing.
    • This study aims to design a hand sanitizer and automated portal based on the NodeMCU microcontroller using an infrared sensor. This study uses the development model developed by Borg and Gall. The development procedure includes the exploration and product testing stages. The results of the development obtained a tool in the form of a hand sanitizer and an automated portal based on the NodeMCU microcontroller using an infrared sensor to prevent the spread of virus in West Sumbawa Regency. The trial of using the product was carried out in class XI of SMA Negeri 1 Brang Rea. The trial was carried out twice, namely the initial field trial with 10 test subjects by the teacher and the final field trial with 20 student test subjects. Initial trials obtained assessment data on media/products, namely 62 of the maximum number of assessments of 69 with a percentage of 89.2% which stated that the hand sanitizer product and the NodeMCU microcontroller-based automated portal using infrared sensors were feasible to be used as a tool to prevent the spread of virus in West Sumbawa Regency. The final trial obtained data on student assessment of the product, namely 154 of the maximum number of assessments of 171 with a percentage of 90.1% which was categorized as suitable for use. These results indicate that the design of the Hand Sanitaizer and automatic portal based on the nodemCU microcontroller is feasible to be used as a product/media to prevent the spread of virus in West Sumbawa Regency.
    • Analisis Keamanan Website Terhadap Serangan DDOS Menggunakan Metode National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
    • Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa adalah salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Swasta yang berada di Kabupaten Sumbawa, dalam pelayanannya Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa menyediakan informasi berupa website baik informasi pengenalan Universitas ataupun yang berkaitan dengan seputar perkuliahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa serangan DDoS pada website Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa. Serangan Distributed Denial of Service menjadi salah satu pilihan hacker karena telah terbukti menjadi ancaman didunia internet. Serangan DDoS dapat membuat suatu website menjadi lambat atau bahkan down. Pada penelitian ini melakukan pengujian serangan DDoS menggunkan Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC) pada website kemudian menganalisa serangan DDoS dan memonitoring lalu lintas jaingan menggunakan wireshark. Hasil dari penelitian ini Website UTS meliki keamanan yang baik diketahu dari hasil pengujian serangan DDoS yang walaupun sudah dilakukan penyerangan dari 500, 1000, 5000 hingga 10.000 Packet website masih tetap bisa diakses walaupun lambat. Rekomendasi keamanan website dengan menerapkann teknik blacklist IP dan firewall untuk mengantisipasi terjadinya serangan DDoS
    • Aplikasi Sumbawa Excursion Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode Waterfall
      • ourism activities are activities that are quite influential in boosting the economy in an area because they have abundant natural resource potential, interesting culture and unique and delicious culinary delights, which will help the community to improve the economy of each tourist area, by taking advantage of technological advances, namely internet, tourism objects in Sumbawa Regency can be easily promoted through a web-based application, in which there is various information related to tourism in Sumbawa Regency. Sumbawa Regency requires a Web Application so that it can help introduce tourism in the Sumbawa Regency to the wider community, especially people who are outside Sumbawa. Waterfall is the method used for the information system. Making this application will make it easier for the public to access information about tourism in Sumbawa Regency

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